Monday, January 03, 2005

my black pals

Today we are in 2005 
Some friends saw my log and asked me to write your log in Persian as my uncle Hamid who took as serious he even told me he would scrounge around to cull even some viewer and even get some ads!!!!!!!!! 
But I suppose in first step I should reveal about this log and that is I don’t have any Persian font on my PC 
And this log like any log just as my notebook for my emotion and my sense and just for remembrance but if anyone tell me I do something I would contemplate it. 
Anyhow today I am thinking about when these days will pass and when I will be back home. 
Yesterday I went to watch the people they play football (last time I hurt my knee) and this time just I watched them. My black friends were absent, I was laughing on my own and I said to one of my who ask me why? I told him about other day 4 black people were my team mate and when time passed from 5 pm everywhere got dark and I was near our goal post my Negro friends had gone to find the right place and ready I pass them, but I forgot they are black and because of misfortune they even wore black shirt 2 or 3 time they where shouting PASS MAN, PASS ME, FELLA but even with my glasses I squinted my eyes might I can see them but really I couldn’t they were yelling PASS MAN PASSS just I saw white people but not my black team mates but later I acknowledged because of their skin and their shirt they were camouflage in darkness.

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